After you’ve filed for unemployment benefits and are waiting to hear back from unemployment, you may be able to apply for disability benefits. It’s best to consult with an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer to discuss your options.
If you have a disabling injury or illness that is expected to last for 12 months or more, or is considered terminal, you may qualify for Social Security Disability. Therefore, you do not need to wait for a specific amount of time to be disabled. You should apply as soon as possible.
To apply for benefits, you must meet a certain number of work credits that correspond with your work history. The number of work credits you need to qualify for disability benefits depends on how old you were when you became disabled.
Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which you earned in the past 10 years ending with the year you become disabled. However, younger workers with disabilities may qualify with fewer credits. To learn more about what work credits are, visit our Disability Decoded page to get more information from Attorney Samantha Ball.
It’s in your best interest to apply for benefits as soon as possible. The myth about waiting for your condition to become more debilitating is not true.
This is because applying for Social Security benefits can be complicated and overwhelming, and the process can take an extended period of time. It’s best to start as soon as possible. Keep in mind that if you have have not worked in 5 years, your work credits expire and you cannot apply for SSD.
As long as you meet the requirements for SSD, you should apply as soon as you can to begin the process. To learn more about why you should apply right away, get more information from Attorney Adam Banton in our Disability Decoded series.
Many people receive disability benefits across all age brackets. According to the Social Security Administration, more than 1 in 4 20-year-olds become disabled before reaching retirement age. You do not need to be middle-aged to receive benefits. Speak with a skilled disability lawyer to help understand your options.
The SSA may give benefits to those dealing with previous substance abuse issues who have been sober for at least a year or are (or have been) seeking therapy or treatment for their addiction. However, if an applicant is actively using, the SSA will not award them benefits. The SSA needs to be able to determine the extent of your disability’s effect on your life. Drug or alcohol use can make this unclear, so making a commitment to sobriety is crucial.
You may receive both at the same time. However, if you are approved for workers’ compensation after receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or vice versa, the SSA will reduce your monthly benefits using the “workers’ compensation offset rule” to create a counterbalance. That way, you can receive both benefits at the same time.
You can work and earn an income while you apply for benefits, as long as the income does not exceed $1,550 per month for a non-blind individual, or $2590 for blind persons.
People often think Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is SSDI. While both are federal programs through the SSA, they are different from one another and serve different purposes. SSDI provides financial assistance to those who can no longer work due to a disability and have paid Social Security (FICA) taxes through their employment for at least 5 out of the past 10 years. On the other hand, SSI is needs-based and provides financial assistance to those who are disabled, have not worked over the past ten years, and remain unable to work.
You will keep your health insurance as long as you receive a benefit payment of any amount. In addition, if you earn enough to the point where your benefit checks stop, your Medicare coverage can continue for up to 93 months.
Although those under 18 likely don’t have enough work history to qualify for SSDI, they still may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, which are needs-based.
Since SSDI comes from payroll deductions, the government can garnish part of your disability checks to pay back what you owe in child support.
While medical documentation is required evidence for your disability case, it will not result in automatic approval. However, without medical documentation, you will be denied benefits.
Anyone can file for disability benefits and be approved, regardless of if they have an attorney. Unfortunately, it will likely result in an initial denial. According to the SSA, between 70 and 75% of initial applicants are denied, regardless of their eligibility. However, applying with the assistance of a Social Security Disability lawyer can increase your chances of approval by 20% or more. Disability attorneys are your advocates and will ensure that all documentation and paperwork are filed on time for your best chance at approval as soon as possible. Attorney Adam Banton shares information about the qualities you should look for in a Social Security Disability lawyer in our Disability Decoded video.