Don’t Hesitate to Hire a Social Security Disability Attorney From the Start

gavel on desk with glasses and book

Filing for Social Security Disability benefits can be complicated and time consuming. People often ask themselves, “Should I hire an experienced disability attorney?”

It is never too early to have an experienced disability attorney help you navigate through the system. Those who have a qualified attorney handling their Social Security disability claim have a much higher chance of being approved for benefits. The wise choice when filing for Social Security Disability is to hire an attorney right from the start. They will handle many details required by Social Security, such as:

– Properly filling out all paperwork
– Documenting all medical treatment
– Choosing the proper onset date
– Reviewing medical records
– Requesting support from treating doctors, using specific forms created for that purpose

In short, great attorneys are preparing for the possibility of having to go before a judge from the very first day of representation.

There are multiple documents to be completed throughout the process of filing a disability claim. It is important to show a consistent picture from the start, rather than having the claimant say one thing during the first two stages, and the attorney say something different at the hearing stage. Inconsistencies can negatively impact or end in a claim denial.

The process of filing for Social Security disability benefits is long and complicated and there are many seemingly insignificant factors that could derail a claim at any stage of the process.

To improve your chances of winning disability benefits call Disability Attorneys of Michigan at 800-949-2900. The call is free. The consultation is free. No attorney fees are charged unless they win your claim.

The Disability Attorneys of Michigan work hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical or mental impairment, contact the Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free case consultation at 800-949- 2900.

Let Michigan’s Leading Social Security Disability Law Firm Help You Get The Benefits You

Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence.

I will never forget you and the hard work you did to secure my Social Security Disability benefits. Thank you!

- Christine C.