Eastpointe Veterans Disability Attorneys

Benefits for Michigan Veterans

Few firms have the dedication and skills necessary to handle claims before the Department of Veterans Affairs. Disability Attorneys of Michigan understands how complex Veterans Disability cases can be and has forged connections over the years with reputable Veterans Disability law firms that have the experience, skills and proven track record necessary to help successfully represent our brave veterans.

We selectively refer cases to law firms that have a strong reputation for providing excellent service fighting for the federal disability benefits our veterans so rightfully deserve.

Why contact us? We have a unique advantage in referring cases to the most capable law firms as we have established ties with skilled Veterans Disability law firms in our two decades of experience practicing disability law. Our firm has previously practiced Veterans Disability, and our knowledge, as well as our strong reputation in the legal community, make our referral valuable.

We want to give back to those who served our country. Let us help you find the most reputable law firm to handle your case.

Whether you have been denied disability, or you believe you deserve a higher rating, Disability Attorneys of Michigan can help refer your case to a skilled team of lawyers that can handle your appeal at any stage of the process.

Helping disabled veterans who had the courage to fight for us!

  • Agent Orange
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder “PTSD”
  • Traumatic Brain Injury “TBI”
  • Disability Compensation for Service Connection
  • Non Service Connected Pension Benefits
  • Secondary Service Connected Claims
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
  • Individual Unemployability and more!

When disabled veterans should appeal

  • There are several different time limits to filing an appeal with an adverse decision from VA.
  • If you received a Rating Decision from the Department of Veterans Affairs…
  • You have the option to file a Notice of Disagreement to appeal this decision. A Notice of Disagreement must be filed within 1 year from the date of the mailing of the VA notice to the claimant of the adverse Rating Decision.
  • If you received a Statement of the Case
  • You can file a VA Form 9, Appeal to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. The VA Form 9 must be filed with the VA Regional Office within 60 days of receipt of the Statement of the Case, or within the remainder of the one-year period from the date of mailing of the Rating Decision by the VA Regional Office, whichever period ends later.
  • If you received a denial from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals

If you disagree with the final decision from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals and want to appeal, you must file a Notice of Appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims within 120 days after the date the Board of Veterans’ Appeals mailed a copy of its final decision. That date which is stamped on the front of the decision.

Read Our Client Testimonials:

“I would highly recommend Disability Attorneys of Michigan. I had the best experience here. The staff is amazing and helpful. The lawyers are very understanding. They are willing to help you out and make this easy to understand.” – Renee L.

“Disability Attorneys of Michigan facilitated the entire process much more efficiently than I could have done on my own. Everyone that I had contact with was courteous and responded in a timely manner. I would recommend this group to anyone who needs assistance navigating the disability process.”- Valorie A.

Eastpointe (formerly East Detroit) is a city in Macomb County of the U.S. state of Michigan.  The city population is 32,442. Eastpointe forms a part of the Metro Detroit area. It borders 8 Mile Road on the northern edge of Detroit.

Macomb County Legal Resources:

Eastpointe-Roseville Chamber of Commerce– The Eastpointe-Roseville Chamber of Commerce believes in ideas, influence and the power that comes from building strong connections. Your business thrives on it. And its future depends on it.

Michigan Military Technical & Historical SocietyThe 11,000 square foot Museum exhibits the actual equipment, weapons, uniforms and other artifacts that bear witness to the high cost of freedom.

Their Last Resort Animal Rescue– There is an outreach program where the rescue goes into the community and talks to owners about how important it is to spay/neuter and keep animals up on their medical needs.