Congress implemented certain “Special Rules” to help those injured return to work or begin work for the first time. These rules vary depending upon the age, specific impairments, illness, and veteran status of a person.

The Social Security Administration has an entire code section that is referred to when dealing with these types of cases, called The Listings. This is where to go when identifying specific requirements by conditions. These types of cases need to be handled by qualified attorneys who know what to identify for each case. The Disability Attorneys of Michigan™ have years of experience handling all types of cases under the “Special Rules” list. Listed is an example of when a special rule comes into play:

Special Earnings Limit Rule

 This rule is usually applied during the first year of retirement for those who retire mid-year already earning more than their yearly earnings limit.

The “special rule” allows the SSD Administration to pay a full Social Security check for any whole month they consider you retired, regardless of your yearly earnings.

  • If you will be under full retirement age for all of 2017, you are considered retired in any month that your earning reach $1,410 or less and you did not perform substantial services through self employment.
  • If you will reach full retirement age in 2017, you are then considered retired in any month that your earnings reach $3,740 or less and you did not perform substantial services through self employment.

*Substantial Services in Self Employment is defined as devoting more than 45 hours per month to the business or between 15 and 45 hours to a business in a highly skilled occupation.

Special Rules apply to applicants in many different age ranges. Those who are 49, 54, and 59 are categorized as borderline ages – someone who is close to the age of 50 can be treated as if they were already 50.

  • Ages 50-54
  • Ages 55-59
  • Ages 60-64

Social Security can pay benefits to people who have been injured on the job or suffer from a medical condition lasting over a year or resulting in death. When it comes to Social Security disability benefits, partial disabilities or short-term disabilities simply do not qualify. It is important to know if your case falls under one of the multiple “Special Rules.”

To learn more, contact the Disability Attorneys of Michigan today, by filling out the free consultation form below or by calling us for a free case consultation at 800-949-2900.