1. Are you working?

If you are working and your earnings average more than a certain amount each month, you are not disabled. The amount changes annually. If you are not working, or your average monthly earnings do not exceed that amount, then your medical condition is reviewed.

Note: SSI has additional limitations on the claimant’s assets and unearned income.

2. Do you have medical evidence that qualifies you for disability?

Your medical condition must significantly limit your ability to do basic work activities (walking, sitting, concentrating) for at least one year. If your medical condition is not severe enough, you are not disabled. If your medical condition is severe enough, go on to step three.

3. Is your medical condition on the List of Impairments?

The List of Impairments describes medical conditions that are so severe they are automatically disabling as defined by law. If your medical condition is not on the list, it is reviewed to determine if it is as severe as a condition that is on the list. If the severity of your condition meets or equals that of a listed impairment, you are disabled.

If it does not, go on to step four.

4. Can you do the work you did before?

Your medical condition must prevent you from being able to do the work you did before. If not, you are not disabled.

If it does, go on to step five.

5. Can you do any other type of work?

Your medical condition must prevent you from doing other work. Your medical condition, age, education, past work experience and skills are evaluated. If you can do other work, you are not disabled. If you cannot do other work, you should file disability.

For immediate help with your Michigan SSD case, call us today at 800-949-2900 for a free consultation.