Social Security Disability Attorney

Why You Should Speak to a Lawyer Before Applying for Disability Benefits


When you’ve become recently disabled, applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) is a step in the right direction toward getting back on track. Unfortunately, the process of applying alone through the Social Security Administration (SSA) can be overwhelming, discouraging, and confusing. In fact, around 70% of initial SSD applications are denied, regardless of their validity. …

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The 8 Most Common Social Security Disability Myths and Facts Revealed

Social Security Disability Myth Fact Infographic

There are many misconceptions about Social Security Disability (SSD), including who is eligible for benefits, how long benefits are granted for, if you can work while receiving benefits and much more. Without knowing what is true and what is false about SSD, you could be holding yourself or loved ones back from getting necessary benefits….

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50-62-Year-Olds Aren’t Applying for SSD, Missing Opportunities

50-year-old woman looking out windown on rainy day

A significant group of disabled Americans could be missing out on receiving the social security disability (SSD) benefits they deserve, because they don’t think they need to apply. Those who are 50-62-years-old may become disabled, but think that social security disability is not for them. Perhaps they are daunted by the seemingly complicated process or…

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