Do Inheritances Affect SSI Benefits?

Picture of a will and testament on a desk

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a federal program run by the Social Security Administration supported by general federal tax revenues. Eligibility for SSI is not contribution-based like other Social Security benefits, meaning you don’t have to pay Social Security or other taxes to receive SSI benefits.SSI is means-based and is specifically intended to help…

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Will I Lose My SSI Benefits If I Sell My Home?

Picture of for sale sign

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is available to those over 65, disabled adults, and children who need income assistance with less than $2,000 of assets or $3,000 if married. If you receive SSI, then proceeds from the sale of your home could temporarily make you ineligible for SSI payments. In this blog, we’ll discuss what you need to know if you receive SSI and want to sell your home. 

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