What To Know About the Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights

As the pandemic’s impact lessens, more Americans are following through on their travel plans. Unfortunately, with the increased volume of travelers, complaints follow suit, with consumer complaints against airlines up nearly 300% more over pre-pandemic levels. To mitigate this, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently announced actions to help ensure a […]


As the pandemic’s impact lessens, more Americans are following through on their travel plans. Unfortunately, with the increased volume of travelers, complaints follow suit, with consumer complaints against airlines up nearly 300% more over pre-pandemic levels.

To mitigate this, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently announced actions to help ensure a safe and accessible air travel experience for everyone through the first-of-its-kind Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights published by USDOT. 

What is the Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights?

The Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights summarizes the fundamental rights of disabled passengers under the Air Carrier Access Act and allows them to understand, assert, and easily help uphold them with the U.S. and foreign air carriers. The Bill of Rights was developed using the Air Carrier Access Act Advisory Committee feedback.

This committee includes:

  • Air carriers
  • National disability organizations
  • Representatives of passengers with disabilities
  • Airport operators
  • Aircraft manufacturers, 
  • Contractor service providers,
  • Wheelchair manufacturers
  • A national veterans’ organization representing disabled veterans

“Today’s announcements are the latest steps toward ensuring an air travel system that works for everyone,” Buttigieg said on July 8th, 2022, as the DOT published the Bill.

What Does The Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights Consist Of?

This Bill of Rights is comprised of ten different rights for disabled airline passengers:

  1. The Right to Be Treated with Dignity and Respect
  2. The Right to Receive Information About Services and Aircraft Capabilities and Limitations
  3. The Right to Receive Information in an Accessible Format
  4. The Right to Accessible Airport Facilities
  5. The Right to Assistance at Airports
  6. The Right to Assistance on the Aircraft
  7. The Right to Travel with an Assistive Device or Service Animal
  8. The Right to Receive Seating Accommodations
  9. The Right to Accessible Aircraft Features
  10. The Right to Resolution of a Disability-Related Issue

This Bill of Rights does not expand or restrict the rights of disabled airline passengers. Instead, it outlines existing laws in a way that’s convenient and accessible for those with disabilities.

Click here to learn more about the Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights.

We’re Your Disability Attorneys and Advocates Across Michigan

At Disability Attorneys of Michigan, we are pleased with the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights and how it will help disabled travelers nationwide. However, there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure that our disabled community receives the help they need wherever they go. That’s where we come in.

Fighting for the disabled community of Michigan is not just our profession, but our calling. We approach each client’s case like we would our own and put over 20 years of our experience to work to ensure that you receive the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve.  If you were recently disabled and are struggling to get by, there is hope. Let us help.

Contact us by filling out and submitting a contact form, or call our office  at 800-949-2900 for a free consultation.

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