Michigan disability lawyer

What to Know About Continuing Disability Reviews

business woman at desk reviewing documents

Suppose you were approved by the SSA for disability benefits and begin collecting your monthly payments. In that case, you must expect routine Continuing Disability Reviews, or CDRs, for the SSA to ensure you’re still eligible.  Receiving notice that the SSA will conduct a CDR for the first time could be nerve-wracking, and it could…

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Can You Receive SSD and SSI Benefits At The Same Time?


In certain situations, applicants may qualify for both SSDI (Social Security Disability) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits, and the Social Security Administration (SSA) will consider it as “concurrent benefits.”  Two significant similarities that these benefits both share are they have the same standards for disability, and the SSA both administers them. However, being eligible…

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How Long Does It Take To Receive Back Pay?

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What is SSD Back Pay? Social Security Disability (SSD) back pay are the benefits you were entitled to as you filed for Social Security Disability benefits, but were either initially denied or there was a delay in approval by the Social Security Administration (SSA). In most cases, it begins when someone files an appeal following…

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Does Opting Not To Have Surgery Affect Your Social Security Disability Claim?

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If your doctor has recommended that you have surgery, but you refuse, the Social Security Administration could deny you SSD or SSI benefits. However, if you have a good reason for opting out of surgery, there are exceptions to this rule. Denying Benefits Based On Failure To Follow Prescribed Treatment One popular question is whether…

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Helpful Tips for Disability Phone Hearings

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As the Social Security Administration is conducting hearings by telephone, many disability claimants wonder how telephone hearings work. We’ve gathered the top tips for testifying at your phone disability hearing. What To Expect During A Phone Hearing for Disability On the day of your phone hearing, an SSA office staff will call you a few…

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Once You’re Approved for SSD Benefits: What Happens Next?

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You’ve done everything the right way and are relieved to receive your disability award letter in the mail. But what does this mean? And what happens next? When the Social Security Administration (SSA) approves your application and you qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, the SSA will send you an award letter, which outlines…

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What Questions Should I Ask Before Hiring an SSD Lawyer?

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When you have a disability that prevents you from working, receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can help. But with the application and appeals process being complicated, you don’t want to waste your time trying to figure it out yourself, only to have your claim rejected. That’s where an SSD lawyer can come in.. But…

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5 Steps to Take to Help Cope With Your Disability

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Being diagnosed with a disability can be overwhelming, stressful, and scary to go through. It’s important to know there are actions you can take to help empower yourself. At the same time, it’s also crucial to reach out for the support you need. Here are some outlets for managing your disability and moving forward with…

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What Does a Partially Favorable Decision Mean?

Picture of a middle aged man sitting down and looking upset reading a letter

When there are certain questions or disagreements surrounding when your disability began, or how long it is expected to last, you may find yourself receiving what is known as a partially favorable decision. But what exactly does that mean? There are two different types of partially favorable decisions. The first type is for a closed…

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Mental Illness and Social Security Disability

Unfortunately, there is still a lot stigma and misunderstanding when it comes to mental health issues. This is despite the fact that millions of Americans live with a mental health conditions. The National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI) recognizes the first full week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week. It does so in order…

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