Social Security Disability

Does Having Cancer Qualify An Applicant For Disability Benefits?

Picture of a woman speaking to her doctor

The treatment and care plan for some cancer patients can be just as debilitating as the disease itself. The condition has a profound impact on one’s life and is physically debilitating, frequently resulting in the incapacity to work. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments have the potential to be debilitating. Medical costs can also be a source…

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Will Moving Affect My Social Security Disability Payments?

Picture of a couple packing boxes in their house to move

Oftentimes it won’t, though the answer really depends on your unique situation. If you’re receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) payments, you might find yourself wondering how a change of residence could affect this process, and why. SSD vs. SSI First, you must consider the two main types of Social Security Disability benefits: Social Security Disability:…

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Does Opting Not To Have Surgery Affect Your Social Security Disability Claim?

Picture of a person laying down in a hospital bed

If your doctor has recommended that you have surgery, but you refuse, the Social Security Administration could deny you SSD or SSI benefits. However, if you have a good reason for opting out of surgery, there are exceptions to this rule. Denying Benefits Based On Failure To Follow Prescribed Treatment One popular question is whether…

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Do I Need To Be 50 Or Older To Receive SSD Benefits?

Picture of a birthday cake with blue "50" candles

You may have heard the myth that you must be 50 years or older in order to apply for SSD benefits. However, you do not need to wait to be 50 to apply for benefits. Potentially this myth became popular as in general, those who are 50-62 years old will likely have a higher chance…

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Top Michigan Financial Assistance Resources

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It can be difficult on your finances to wait for your Social Security Disability benefits to be approved. Those seeking Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments due to disability have a few assistance options in Michigan. For those who are waiting for benefits and those currently receiving benefits, we’ve included a…

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Helpful Tips for Disability Phone Hearings

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As the Social Security Administration is conducting hearings by telephone, many disability claimants wonder how telephone hearings work. We’ve gathered the top tips for testifying at your phone disability hearing. What To Expect During A Phone Hearing for Disability On the day of your phone hearing, an SSA office staff will call you a few…

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Date Last Insured: Everything You Need To Know And How It Affects Your SSD Claim

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If you’re considering applying for SSD benefits, it’s essential to know the date you are last insured. The “Date Last Insured” or DLI plays a vital role in determining eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits, but can be difficult to understand. What is The Date Last Insured? When the Social Security Administration refers to an…

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COVID-19 and Disability: How A Lawyer Can Improve Your Odds of Winning Benefits

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As the COVID-19 continues to spread around the nation, more and more operations remain to stay shutdown. On March 17th, 2020, the Social Security Administration (SSA) closed 1,200 field offices to protect their workers and the public. While the virus hit everyone hard, it is extremely difficult for those in the at-risk population group. With…

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Do Inheritances Affect SSI Benefits?

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Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is a federal program run by the Social Security Administration supported by general federal tax revenues. Eligibility for SSI is not contribution-based like other Social Security benefits, meaning you don’t have to pay Social Security or other taxes to receive SSI benefits.SSI is means-based and is specifically intended to help…

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Can I Continue To Work If My Spouse Receives SSD Benefits?

Picture of a middle aged couple talking at kitchen table

Social Security Disability (SSD) is designed to protect workers and their families from financial burden. When one spouse is unable to work, it may be challenging to keep up with bills, mortgage payments and other financial obligations. One of the most common questions before applying for SSD is whether an individual can continue to work…

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