Social Security Disability

Are There Financial Resources to Help While Waiting For Social Security Disability Benefits?

Picture of two female volunteers at a food drive

It can be stressful waiting for your Social Security Disability claim to be approved, especially if you’re the primary source of income in your household. It takes at least three months for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to approve or deny your claim, and months or even longer if you must file an appeal. Are…

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Can You Receive Disability Benefits For Fibromyalgia?

Picture of a woman sitting at a desk with neck and back pain

Fibromyalgia is a painful musculoskeletal disorder that affects over 5 million Americans. This disorder affects brain signals’ processing, resulting in heightened pain, issues with sleep, mood, memory, and fatigue. Like many other conditions, Fibromyalgia is not yet fully understood by the medical community, and medical professionals are still uncertain of the exact cause of Fibromyalgia….

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Can You Receive Disability Benefits For Epilepsy?

Picture of a person holding a cutout of a brain scan

If you suffer from epileptic seizures and medication doesn’t prevent you from having frequent disruptive seizures, you may be eligible for Social Security disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Qualifying for Disability Benefits Due to Epilepsy Epilepsy is one of the many conditions listed in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book. If you meet…

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Can A Child Receive Disability Benefits?

Picture of a mother reading a story to her young son

The Social Security Disability attorneys at DA Michigan frequently receive questions concerning children’s eligibility for disability benefits. When parents receive Social Security disability benefits, their children may also be eligible for benefits. Read below to find out more. If I’m Approved for Disability, Will My Child Get Benefits? In 2021, the SSA distributed an average of…

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How Often Will I Receive Disability Benefits?

Picture of a person writing on a desk calendar

If you’ve been approved to receive Social Security benefits, you’re most likely wondering how often you’ll be receiving payments. Here’s a quick breakdown of when to expect to see your Social Security benefits arrive. Social Security Disability Payment Schedule Payments are generally issued on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Wednesday each month. However, if the…

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COLA Announced at 1.3% for 2021

Picture of a woman unpacking groceries in her house

People with disabilities who receive SSDI or SSI will soon see their payments increase. 72 million Social Security and Supplemental Security Income recipients will see a 1.3% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to their monthly benefits beginning January 1st, 2021, an increase even smaller than last year’s. In 2021, the monthly federal SSI payment standard will be…

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How Does Marriage Affect Social Security Disability?

picture of a married couple on their wedding day holding a bouquet of white roses

Social Security decisions become more complicated for married couples, especially if one spouse earned much more than the other and is entitled to more benefits. Each spouse has a choice: take benefits on their own earnings record or the spouse’s record. Whether getting married will stop or lower your disability benefits depends on whether you’re…

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5 Social Security Disability Benefits Myths

Middle aged woman looking worried researching on computer

Often people have excuses for putting off doing a task. This can be relatively harmless in certain areas of life, but not when it comes to prolonging applying for disability benefits. Perhaps these 5 myths may be the exact same reasons that you are not applying. By believing these myths, you could be missing out…

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Applying for Disability Benefits with COPD

Picture of a doctor looking at an X-ray of lungs

Living with certain diseases can make many aspects of your life much more difficult. One such example is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly referred to as COPD. COPD is a series of lung diseases, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, that impact air intake and affect your ability to breathe, also causing damage to your…

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What Common Musculoskeletal Disorders Can Qualify for SSD?

Picture of a woman with back pain

The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Blue Book, which lists conditions and how to evaluate them for purposes of qualifying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, lists various categories under which conditions are divided. One such category is the musculoskeletal system. Although the Blue Book includes a list of recognized musculoskeletal disorders, it is not enough…

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