January 2019

SSD Case Backlog Continues to Cause Delays

Calendar and hourglass on a table

A woman from New York was initially denied SSD benefits in 2012, and once her appeal was granted five years later, the battle was far from over. The SSA continued to give her the runaround regarding the benefits checks she desperately needed. This example makes the case for how important it is to partner with…

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SSA Targeting Young Adults with Illnesses, Stopping Benefits to Save Money

young woman sick in bed

Could you imagine having a serious, chronic illness and relying on Social Security Disability benefits for your necessary medical treatments, only to have your benefits abruptly stopped, when your condition is getting worse? This is what unfortunately happened to a 22-year-old woman diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, an incurable disease that causes serious lung damage. She…

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Lives in the Balance: Doctors Paid for Quantity of SSD Case Reviews, Not Quality

Doctor reviewing documents

An investigation recently uncovered highly disturbing findings that doctors in Tennessee were paid for the quantity of federal disability program applications they reviewed, a system that creates a blatant disregard for proper procedure and attentiveness, and instead rewards efficiency motivated by greed. These doctors would hastily review disability cases, denying a majority of likely viable…

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