Michigan Social Security Disability Lawyers

What To Know About the Airline Passengers With Disabilities Bill of Rights


As the pandemic’s impact lessens, more Americans are following through on their travel plans. Unfortunately, with the increased volume of travelers, complaints follow suit, with consumer complaints against airlines up nearly 300% more over pre-pandemic levels. To mitigate this, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently announced actions to help ensure a…

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Do You Qualify for a Fast-Track Disability Benefits Decision?


When applying for Social Security Disability (SSD), you must quickly familiarize yourself with a handful of new words, phrases, and concepts as you navigate the claims process. One of these to keep in mind is the Social Security Administration’s Compassionate Allowance Program, which speeds up the claims process for qualifying applicants. Currently, the Compassionate Allowance…

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Does Lupus Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits?

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Lupus, often known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic auto-immune disease that affects multiple organs or body systems. It’s a debilitating illness with a wide range of symptoms that alter and worsen over time. Decreased cognition, memory, focus, malaise, anxiety, sadness, or acute fatigue are some of the issues that make it difficult…

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Are There Financial Resources to Help While Waiting For Social Security Disability Benefits?

Picture of two female volunteers at a food drive

It can be stressful waiting for your Social Security Disability claim to be approved, especially if you’re the primary source of income in your household. It takes at least three months for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to approve or deny your claim, and months or even longer if you must file an appeal. Are…

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How Does Marriage Affect Social Security Disability?

picture of a married couple on their wedding day holding a bouquet of white roses

Social Security decisions become more complicated for married couples, especially if one spouse earned much more than the other and is entitled to more benefits. Each spouse has a choice: take benefits on their own earnings record or the spouse’s record. Whether getting married will stop or lower your disability benefits depends on whether you’re…

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How Much Does It Cost to Hire an SSD Lawyer?

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If you experience a serious, long-term illness or injury that prevents you from working, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and worried about affording medical treatment and basic needs. While Social Security Disability benefits can help you during this difficult time, the process to obtaining benefits can be complicated and confusing. That’s why it is important…

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How Long Must You Wait Before Applying for Disability Benefits?

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People may think that before applying for disability benefits, you need to be disabled for a specific period of time and wait to apply. But that’s’ not the truth. Let’s take a closer look at when you can apply for benefits, and why waiting to apply can actually be harmful. When Can You Apply? There…

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Medicare and Medicaid for Disability Benefits Recipients

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You may have questions about what health insurance can receive if you are approved for disability benefits. Overall, disabled individuals who have been approved to receive Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits are also entitled to receive Medicare. Those approved for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are entitled to receive Medicaid. When Do You Start Receiving…

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Proposed Social Monitoring Initiative to Reduce Social Security Disability Fraud

woman on computer on social media

A proposal to enable the Social Security Administration to monitor Social Security Disability (SSD) applicant and recipient social media accounts is in the works. The goal of the proposal would be to reduce fraudulent disability claims. There is opposition to this, as some advocacy groups believe that monitoring social media profiles is not a clear…

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Learn Tips to Improve Your Chances of SSD Approval in Our New Infographic

Michigan Social Security Disability Infographic

What to do when diagnosed with a disability When you are diagnosed with a disability, your entire life changes. You struggle with the stress of adapting to your condition, and you may worry about how you can afford medical treatment and provide for yourself and your family when you likely will no longer be able…

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